Monday, September 22, 2008

Sept 15th - 21st

Another great week of training that was even better than last week. My body is taking the mileage fine which I was a little suprised about right away with the shaky month of August I had, but the more I thought about it, it made sense. I realized that it wasn't that much of a jump in mileage from the stuff that I had been doing on a regular basis for the later part of the summer. I added a couple of runs and made sure that I was getting everything in. Also I started running a little slower than normal and have been feeling great. Here is the breakdown:

9/15 11 miles 1:16:45 HR 141
Nice easy day

9/16 11 miles 1:12:55 HR 161
Great workout today and here it is:
3+ miles warmup (22:40)
3 x 1mile (5:14|(170), 5:08|(180),5:03|(175))
5 mile cooldown (36:00)

Well I tried this workout last week and granted it was only a couple of days after the 1/2 marathon this workout was worlds of difference. I thought that this was going to be a pretty good week right after this workout and I was right. I could have done one or two more of these repeats, probably not any faster but probably around 5:10. I figured that I didn't want to push it to much just because I had no clue how I would react to it.

9/17 AM 4 miles 32:40 HR 156
PM 9 miles 1:02:40 HR 162 ( so many anomalies in this run with the HR??)

9/18 11 miles 1:17:00

9/19 AM 4 miles (29:35) HR 163
PM 10 miles (1:10:00) UND CC meet today ran before and then during the meet and ran home.

9/20 10 miles 1:02:48 HR 173
Well I got about 4 hours of sleep last night and then worked all day. I got home at 6 PM and took an hour nap and then headed out on my run. Work really put a damper on my plan today so I cut my run short as I was planning on going long. I wanted to go about 14 miles with the last 5 at about 10 mile pace 5:30. I got three miles in and decided to push the last five miles
and see what happens. I ran 35:30 through 5 miles and then picked it up and here is how it went:
5:41 | (195?)
5:37 | (201?)
5:22 | (194?)
5:17 | (182?)
5:15 | (181?)

5 miles 27:12

Pretty good run for being completely dark outside. I did wear my flats so that helped with the time a bit but I think the darkness was a way bigger factor. The only time I ever looked at my watch was when I beeped at the miles just to see what the pace was. Well if I would have hit it a little bit harder at the beginning and not run it at night and what ever other factors you want to put into this to make it seem not as optimal for running I figured I could have run close to 26:30. I felt really good when I finished and could have made it another mile no problem which would have put me right around 33:30 for 10k which woud have been fine by me. Overall it was a great day and a great party afterwards.

9/21 11 miles (1:16:20)
Easy hangover run. It was hot out and I was dehydrated quite a bit. I stopped for water 4 times on the run.

Week total 81 miles.
MTD 215

Overall it was a great week of running and I never felt all that tired. I really enjoyed the morning runs this week as they really got me going in the morning and I usually felt pretty good for the afternoon runs. I'm going to drop down a bit for the next two weeks to taper for TC 10 mile. If I don't run better than I did last year I may quit running. Seriously, if I don't I am running for another 1.5 years just to do Boston in 2010 and then I am done. This probably won't happen but it tis ny initial thought. A couple of morning runs this week and probably no mre than 70 miles this week and 60-65 the week after before the big race. Not sure on what is going to happen after twin cities but I might try and get in a couple more races this season.

Red River Run 15k
Halloween 5k (Maybe)
Veteren's Day 8k

Those would be the only races I do until at least late January. I will probably try and get a couple of mile/3k/5k races indoor this season and maybe a 5k/10k outdoor as well. I am working out the details for my marathon debut but I got some ideas of when and where it is going to be...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sept 8th - 14th

Well this was an interesting week compared to the ones that have passed by so quickly. It was a great week with nothing to busy in my life going on so I was able to get some real running in for a change. No real workouts this week but a little one on Tuesday but i could tell that it was way to soon to start those after the race last weekend. I finished the thing but I probably shouldn't have. Easy end of the week with just miles. Here is the breakdown of the week.

9/8 10 miles
Got the new flats this last weekend so it was the first run in them and they felt really good.

9/9 10 miles 1:05:30
2.5 mile w/u
4 x 1 mile with 1/4 mile recovery jog between
5:31, 5:33, 5:39, 5:41
2.5 mile c/d
Felt okay right away but the legs started to get real heavy about a half mile into the second repeat. The last mile was a real struggle when it really should not have been at all. No more workouts until I feel good.

9/10 AM 4 miles 32 min HR 161 (this cant be right)
PM 9 miles 1:05:35
Easy shakeout run in the morning
Ran with the UND woman's cross team in the afternoon for the first couple of miles. Felt okay.

9/11 11 miles 1:16:15 HR 144
Easy day. Ran part of the course for the race this weekend to get a little bit of a feel for it. Looked okay but it might be a little confusing to some people.

9/12 AM 4 miles 32:00 HR 151 (seems a little high as well)
PM 7.75 54:00 HR 155

9/13 14.25 miles 1:35:15 HR 159
Felt really good today. Probably the best run I have had in quite a while. Average about 6:40 for the entire run and felt smooth the entire time.

9/14 10 miles 1:13:00
Real easy day. Had a little to much fun yesterday at the music festival that was in town for the day. Needed to not happen.

Week total 80 miles (New high)

I had a couple of upper 70 mile weeks but this is the first week that I have had in the 80's and I felt really good after the week was over. I am planning on hitting one more 80+ mile week and then starting to come down for the race after this week. I have been having a little pain on my foot the last 5 days but it has not hindered my running at all. In the mornings it is usually fairly painful right away but by mid day it seems to loosen up and everything is fine for the most part. It is right where the Achilles tendon connects to the heel bone, but on the inside of the foot not the back. Just a little tender when I put impact on it or really stretch my calf. Ice and Aleve have been by best friends over the last couple of days. Today's run was fine up until about 9 miles and then it started to bother me a little but nothing that I couldn't run through. Have a great week of training everyone!!

MTD - 134 miles (with two days off)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 1st - 7th

What I thought was going to be a good week turned out to be not so good. Had two little workouts and a half marathon, none of which went that well. So here is the week.

9/1 - 13.2 miles 1:27
Started out just running nice and easy and gradually picked it up after about 7 miles. Faster miles went something like 6:30, 6:15, 6:05, 5:50, 5:40, and then a mile cooldown. It absolutely shit poured rain the entire run so the shoes were soaked. But by that last mile I was glad to be done with that run.

9/2 - 10 miles
Another workout day. 4 mile warm up to the park and then ran a workout with Dustin. All he had was 1.5 miles hard and a cool down. We did the 1.5 miles in about 8:00 but I let up after the mile cause he was dropping back. I proceeded to do another mile at 1/2 marathon pace in 5:35 which felt super easy and comfortable. I knew I had the race this weekend so I didn't want to do that much more but I felt like I could have done another two or three no problem...boy was I wrong. Did a three mile cool down back home and have never been so physically exhausted after a run in my entire life that I can remember. I thought I was going to throw up or pass out or something. I just had nothing left in me. Weird day.

9/3 - Felt like absolute crap all day - off

9/4 - 9 miles 1:04:20
Real easy day just to see how I felt. Felt okay.

9/5 5.5 miles 40:00
Another real easy day before the race.

9/6 17 miles 1:45:00
Half Marathon - 1:16:00
Shitty race. I started out nice and easy running around 5:40 +/- 5 seconds for the first 4 miles and then dropped to around 5:35 until 9.5 miels and just hit a wall. Mile 9 was 5:35 mile 10 5:51, mile 11 6:14, 6:17, 6:05 and that is how the race ended up. I thought I was in a little better shape but I guess the week and a half off of running and a little to much partying really killed me. O well time to get ready for twin cities.

9/7 - off felt like shit and a little depressed about yesterday.

Overall a really shitty race one little workout that I felt great in and a soaking wet attempt to get something out of a long run. Not real happy with the week hopefully next week will be better.

Week total 55 miles
Not to bad for 5 days

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

August 25th - 31st

It was a good week back with one day off from my knee. It seems to be fine now but I can tell that I lost a lot of fitness over the week off. I am thinking that the race this coming weekend is not going to go as I was planning on it going but that is fine. Last year I ran 1:12:40 or something like that but I think I am going to try and run around 1:14:00. My real goal at this point is going to run better than I did last year at Twin Cities. Granted it was really hot that day last year but I know that I can run a hell of a lot better than last year. So here was the first week back:

8/25 - 6.5 miles 47:00 HR 150

8/26 - 7 miles 49:00

8/27 - 9.4 miles 1:07:00 HR 152

8/28 - 8 miles 55:47 HR 155

8/29 - OFF

8/30 - 9.2 miles 1:03:45 HR 155

8/31 - 10 miles 1:11:08 HR 139

Week total - 50 miles
Month of August - 150 miles

Kind of slacked a little bit on the month and then got injured :S What can you do. The HR on Sundays run was quite lower than the other days but that is around what it should be. Time to just giver for the next month and see what happens at twin cities.